Yemmak plays a major role in producing resources of biological origin, which humanity will always have a need for, and contributes to the country's economy by using these resources.
Biomass is the name given for all non-fossilized biological material. Biomass is an important energy source as it constitutes the fourth largest energy source in the world. In many developed countries, bioenergy is seen as the primary energy source of the future.
Biomass processing is a growing industry due to the increasing importance of renewable energy.
Energy values of biofuel materials, such as agricultural products and forest residues, after thickening processes such as pelleting are becoming commonly used fuels. A quality fuel can be created when two or more agricultural wastes are mixed in appropriate proportions and pelleted by determining their burning characteristics and energy values.
Trees, wood, chips, sawdust, bark, branches, leaves and similar wood residues, straw (such as wheat, barley, rye, oats), stems (such as sunflower, corn, cotton, rape), hull-sheath ( coffee, soy, rice, peanuts, hazelnuts, walnuts), fruit seeds, paper-cardboard, residue and garbage, industrial wastes (such as prina), and construction wastes can be used; apart from these, they are used in many products within the scope of energy forestry and energy agriculture (such as switchgrass-branched millet, miscanthus-elephant grass). Pellets can be produced from a single product or by mixing several products (such as sawdust, straw, prina, and or coal dust).
Biofuel sources; By transforming modern fuel into pellets, they can invigorate the national economy and bring a solution to environmental pollution.